
Category : Uncategorised

SSW Open Doors Weekend 2016

The SSW Open Doors Weekend will take place on the last weekend in August. We welcome people to come along, get involved, try their hand at something new and maybe come back for more. SSW is based around the facilitation of artist residencies, the delivery of projects and the provision of facilities, as well as offering Open Access to workshops for all. Running as an Open Access facility is important to us; offering opportunities for artists to make their work, […]

Storytelling Lumsden: Feb Workshops

Storytelling Lumsden is a project that aims to gather, share and map the stories of the residents of Lumsden. The project is now in it third and final stage, and SSW are working with our Artists in Residence to provide a series of workshops based on craft in order to collect some direct stories and record them digitally. These workshops will help to capture the oral tradition of storytelling at the same time as illustrating them through visual arts. This project […]

Out of the Earth – From Turf to Tools Streaming

SSW were delighted to be part of the ‘Out of the Earth’ – Streaming Turf to Tools event by Dot.rural Digital Economy Hub as part of the ‘Being Human’ festival at Aberdeen University. The event was a viewing of the From Turf to Tools project facilitated, which took place in August of this year in Lumsden. From Turf to Tools is an ongoing enquiry that looks to our natural resources, material and landscape. During August 2014, this enquiry led to the recreation of […]

Turf to Tools OUTING – Day One

On Friday and Saturday SSW opened up to the public in OUTING. We had presentations from a range of practitioners looking at the many facets of the From Turf to Tools project, as well as a public demonstration of the smelting process. We have a huge Thank You to extend to the project participants, in particular the amazing Darrell Markewitz and his wife Kelly, and our very own Eden Jolly. We must also thank our volunteers James McCarthy, Thomas Stackhouse […]

Image of people using a kiln

From Turf to Tools – In Conversation with Darrell Markewitz

Darrell Markewitz is a master blacksmith, hailing from Wareham Forge, Ontario. He has joined SSW Artist Eden Jolly for the Slow Prototype From Turf to Tools (which has an open forum this weekend, schedule available here eepurl.com/08VOb). This is an exploration of the bloomery iron process – an ancient method of metal production, knowledge of which has been largely lost over the last millenia. Darrell, you and Eden are both collaborating for an SSW Slow Prototype, how did this come […]

The end is near… or is it.

Well, it’s been a while since I posted on here, but there has been plenty of reasons. The main one is we have been on air! If you missed the broadcasts where have you been? We did 2 weeks of 2 hours a night 6 nights a week. The shows were so action packed we never stopped. A massive thanks to all the people who came in to be interviewed, who let us visit them and connect to us via the means […]

We're launched

The weekend was FANTASTIC! Great turn out, dancing, singing, workshops and lots of radio banter- thanks to everyone for making it possible and for such a special day. Stay tuned for pics of the radio workshops, cuttle fish casting, pinch pots, discos, bands, sky lanterns et all- phew! And yesterday at 5pm – and without a glich we went on air to deliver our first ever Goodman’s Croft broadcast. It was a cracker with live music from the unstoppable Jules […]

Here it is!

How time passes when you're having fun!

Hi everyone! Sorry for not blogging for over a week, its been busy and crazy here in the SSW community room, but we have had a great week. Unfortunately, Jules had to head back home after her time here working with the local children and community….she went with a bang too. She arranged a pub quiz in the Lumsden local and it was a great night full of laughs, partying and it was well turned out. Thanks to everyone who […]

Good morning Miss Barnes, Good morning Mr. Priestley, Good morning everyone!

So we were back to school this week; teachers, small chairs and nostalgic puddings included.  Craig and I had planned a two day workshop for the P4-P7s at Lumsden Primary and we had been excited about it all weekend.  The radio station build was simultaneously gathering momentum back in the workshop and it feels like this unique project is really coming together.  But we want it to grow wings… So that’s where the children play a huge role.  Not only […]