
Category : Uncategorised

SSW Board of Trustees

The SSW Board of Trustees are responsible for overseeing and safeguarding the legal, financial and strategic direction of SSW, as set out in the current and future business plans. The biographies of SSW’s current Board of Trustees are below. Dr Jennifer Clarke is the Chair of the Board of Trustees. Jennifer is an anthropologist, artist and educator, currently Lecturer in Critical and Contextual Studies at Gray’s School of Art. Her research combines and explores the boundaries of art practice and […]

Image credit: Lucy Cash

SSW Public Talks 2018

Each year SSW host a series of open talks to accompany our Summer Artist in Residence programme. These talks are set up to bring people together, share food and have vibrant conversations. The 2018 public talks series presents the work of Simone Kenyon in the month of June and Jez riley French in August. Both artists have a deep interest place and make emotive site response work. These talks are free of charge and are followed by simple meal and discussion in the SSW bothy. Everyone […]

A close-up view of three steel fire pokers being presented in the hands of their respective makers. The left poker has straight, even twists, coming to a point at the end. The centre poker coils off to the maker’s left in a curve. The poker on the right has an ornate looped handle and is flattened at the end.Pokers made at Forge Club, SSW (2021). Photo: Zoë Tumika

Courses: Introduction to Blacksmithing

Booking Book your place on the Introduction to Blacksmithing course below. You will receive a booking confirmation email once your booking is complete. Please read or listen to our Courses terms and conditions before making a booking.

A large vase coming out of the raku kilnRaku firing at SSW

Courses: Introduction to Ceramics and Raku

Places: 6 (Beginners +)Cost: £175 (includes tuition, materials and consumables) Dates: 6 & 13 August 2022 or7 & 14 August 2022 Booking: Book online below or phone SSW on 01464 861372. Further information:Introduction to Ceramics and Raku takes place over two weekends in order to bisque fire work in between. Raku firings are outdoor therefore in severe weather conditions it may be necessary to reschedule the firing date. If you have any suggestions, questions or requirements relating to accessibility at […]


Frontiers in Retreat feature artist: Mari Keski-Korsu

Frontiers in Retreat Frontiers in Retreat (FiR) is a five-year collaboration project that fosters multidisciplinary dialogue on ecological questions within a European network involving artist residencies, art and education organisations, artists, experts in various disciplines as well as diverse audiences. The aim of the project is to broaden the understanding of global ecological changes and their local impacts on European natural environments by means of contemporary artistic practices and through a multidisciplinary approach. During the course of FiR, SSW has hosted […]

Frontiers In Retreat feature artist: Brett Bloom

Frontiers in Retreat Frontiers in Retreat (FiR) is a five-year collaboration project that fosters multidisciplinary dialogue on ecological questions within a European network involving artist residencies, art and education organisations, artists, experts in various disciplines as well as diverse audiences. The aim of the project is to broaden the understanding of global ecological changes and their local impacts on European natural environments by means of contemporary artistic practices and through a multidisciplinary approach. During the course of FiR, SSW has hosted […]

Artist Led-Exchange Residency

The first of our new series of Artist Led-Exchange Residencies started last month with artists Fiona McCubbin and Kirsty Russell. Over the month of May, Fiona McCubbin and Kirsty Russell, organised a number of participatory activities for residents and the local school, and also spent time learning from local practitioners about their specialist knowledges. Fiona and Kirsty have written the following post about their Artist Led-Exchange Residency. Self Care//Shared Care By Fiona McCubbin and Kirsty Russell Self Care//Shared Care is an on going conversation between […]

SSW Event – Potluck Lunch with work by artists Kirsty Russell and fiona McCubbin.

Join us for a potluck lunch this Friday the 2nd of June hosted by SSW, with current artists in residence Kirsty Russell and Fiona McCubbin. This event will mark the end of their one month Artist Led Activity: Exchange Residency at SSW. It is a chance to share their new body of work and thoughts relating to self care and collective care. This work has been informed by a series of informal meetings and workshops with individuals and groups living or […]


SSW PUBLIC TALKS  Each year SSW host a series of open talks to accompany our Summer Artist in Residence programme. During the months of June, August and September, we invite a speaker to SSW to share their work. These talks are set up to bring people together, share food and have vibrant conversations. The 2017 talks are informed by our Frontiers in Retreat project, a five year EU collaboration exploring art and local ecologies. Invited speakers will come from a range of backgrounds with specialised and varied knowledge relating to the landscape in the […]

A Week in Pictures

It’s been a busy week here at SSW. Kicking of on Sunday at The Mary Fair in Lumsden Square, where Beth our ceramics technician and helpers held a Raku demonstration. Everyone had a great day and it only rained once! Wednesday saw the opening of our improved ceramic studio with a potluck lunch. A big thank you to everyone who came and supported the people who have worked so had to make the ceramics studio such a lovely place to work or muck about […]