
Category : News


*THIS OPPORTUNITY DEADLINE IS NOW PAST 2017 Emerging Artist Group Residency (4 places available) Dates of residency:  3rd April – 1st May 2017 Cost: £370 per month Application deadline: 5pm 27th of February The Group EA Residency in April is specifically for BA graduate students who graduated in 2016. (Please note, there are also a limited number of individual EA Residencies available during the months of the SSW AiR programme. More info on these are available on the SSW website) ____________________________________________________ For more information and details […]

Sitting on Eggs – Marc Herbst

Art, Institutions and the Mechanics of an Avant-garde Upon a Viscous and Loud Earth – click to view pdf The above essay was written by Marc Herbst for Frontiers in Retreat, following his invitation to participate in and critically respond to the SSW Incubator –  Sitting on Eggs: ‘What Happens After the Artwork’ – a three-day Frontiers gathering at the Scottish Sculpture Workshop during March 2016. SSW would like to thank Marc not only for this text but for his generous participation, […]


Photo Credit: Ronnie Temple Scottish Sculpture Workshop is delighted to announce the appointment of our new Director, Sam Trotman. Sam has previously worked as Education Producer at Artsadmin, a producing organisation that supports artists to create bold new work through a programme of bursaries, commissions and projects from their Toynbee Studios base in East London. There, Sam started the education department and ran high quality, innovative projects with an emphasis on supporting early career artists. She is also co-Chair of […]

Turf to Tools: Smelting, Part Two

For the last 2 weeks SSW has been running the second instalment of our From Turf to Tools project. The project revolves working with master blacksmith and all round ancient dude Darrell Markewitz in the building of Pictish style smelting furnaces for processing ore to create iron. The project has been experimental in nature. We have been attempting to us peat as a fuel and local ore as our base material. The First experiment, using local ore and charcoal as […]

Turf to Tools 2016

September sees the return of master blacksmith and expert in ancient metal working techniques Darrell Markewitz for the second part of the Turf to Tools project. Following on from the first phase held at SSW in 2014 we will carry out further research into Pictish iron production and the creation of tools and artefacts. During the two week project there will be opportunities to come and observe the iron smelting process and forge work demonstrations. 17th September: The crew will attempt […]

Storytelling Lumsden: Feb Workshops

Storytelling Lumsden is a project that aims to gather, share and map the stories of the residents of Lumsden. The project is now in it third and final stage, and SSW are working with our Artists in Residence to provide a series of workshops based on craft in order to collect some direct stories and record them digitally. These workshops will help to capture the oral tradition of storytelling at the same time as illustrating them through visual arts. This project […]

Photo: Senri Kojima

Storytelling Lumsden

Storytelling Lumsden is a project that aims to gather, share and map the stories of the residents of Lumsden. The gathering of stories has so far involved a series of activities with local groups from different backgrounds and experiences to identify the stories that resonate with Lumsden, and to develop these creatively through writing, music and visual media. The project is supported by Scottish Sculpture Workshop and collaborates with lead Artist Petra Vergunst, who holds a PhD in Rural Development, Lumsden Community […]


On Friday we had our book launch for the most recent SSW publication, slow-prototype. Held at The Project Café in Glasgow we had several speakers talk about the slow-prototype project; Susan Christie from SSW’s Board, Nuno Sacramento (SSW Director), Roddy Buchanan (slow-prototype artist) and Scott Donaldson from Creative Scotland. Our current Intern Conor Baird also performed a reading of Christian Nerf’s text from the book. A big thank you to The Project Café for hosting us and the great food once again!

Out of the Earth – From Turf to Tools Streaming

SSW were delighted to be part of the ‘Out of the Earth’ – Streaming Turf to Tools event by Dot.rural Digital Economy Hub as part of the ‘Being Human’ festival at Aberdeen University. The event was a viewing of the From Turf to Tools project facilitated, which took place in August of this year in Lumsden. From Turf to Tools is an ongoing enquiry that looks to our natural resources, material and landscape. During August 2014, this enquiry led to the recreation of […]

From Turf to Tools OUTING – Day Two

During the two-week intense practical application of creating a successful iron smelt using information from Pictish archaeological findings, Darrell Markewitz and Eden Jolly ran three smelts, with the final smelt being held during Day 2 of the From Turf to Tools OUTING. “We had a good turnout for the third and final smelt of the project, with visitors from as far afield as Fife driving up to witness it. We had initially planned to use human power to provide the […]